In 2025, WREA did not have a rate increase. Rates from 2024 still apply to all rate classes listed below.
Click below for specific rate class tariffs.
- Residential (R1f) Rate Tariff
- Small Commercial (SC) Rate Tariff
- Irrigation (IR) Rate Tariff
- Large Primary (LP-1) Rate Tariff
- Large Primary (LP-2) Rate Tariff
- Large Primary (LP-3) Rate Tariff
- Large Primary (LP-4) Rate Tariff
- Large Primary Transmission (L6) Rate Tariff
- Interest Rate paid on Deposits
- Yard Lighting Tariff
- Power Quality Policy Tariff
Pursuant to Colorado law and the WREA Bylaws, WREA has adopted a complaint procedure for its members. Members with questions or complaints about electric service or rates may file a written complaint with the WREA General Manager (P.O. Box 958, Meeker, CO 81641). Please contact WREA at 970-878-5041 with any comments or questions.