White River Solar: Block Lease Program - 2025/2026
White River Electric Association (“WREA”) is excited to share information about White River Solar, our existing solar leasing program. In 2019, the Meeker Solar Garden program was combined with the Piceance Creek Solar Farm providing additional solar leasing opportunities for members- named White River Solar. White River Solar allows members to lease “Blocks” of solar power for each meter and the program has been met by a great WREA member response.
The White River Solar program is into its seventh year and the program details remain the same. White River Solar's existing leases will be eligible for renewal in mid-April 2025. For the past three years, WREA made additional solar blocks available so members who haven't participated in the past leasing program may join the program for the first time! White River Solar is a great alternative for members who are considering rooftop solar. White River Solar allows members to participate in renewables with ZERO loan payment, no maintenance costs and no long-term commitments that would otherwise accompany a consumer owned system.
New participants can access the fillable lease form online (above after April 15th but before May 6th) and members who currently participate in the program are invited to renew their existing solar lease or modify their meter/tier election by completing the renewal forms that were mailed mid-April. Solar blocks that are not renewed will be made available to other members on a first come, first served basis, annually.
The annual lease of $36.00 (per block) provides a monthly solar production credit of $5.00 (per block), so long as the meter consumes a minimum of $5.00/month of energy.
The monthly production credit cannot exceed the minimum monthly energy charge based upon the previous year’s usage. Monthly production credits cannot offset a meter’s monthly service charge. Should the monthly production credit exceed the monthly energy charge, the excess monthly production credit will be forfeited. Energy usage can be found on the monthly billing statement, online through SmartHub, or by calling WREA (970.878.5041). Please contact WREA if you need help determining which Tier/Block election is right for you.
Example: A member’s lowest monthly energy usage, based upon the previous 12 months, is $15 (energy usage is in addition to the monthly Service Charge), then the member is eligible to lease up to three Solar Blocks for the specified meter. The annual Solar Block lease fee = $108 with the production credit of $15/month ($180 / year). Alternatively, the member could elect to lease just one or two Solar Blocks.
All participating members will be required to execute and return a White River Solar Block Lease for each meter by the deadline specified on the lease. The lease fee will be automatically assessed to your electric account in May and will be due no later than June 15th.
While WREA has made additional solar blocks available for leasing in 2024/2025, there is a limited total number of White River Solar Blocks. Solar renewals are guaranteed availability as long as the renewal lease is turned in by the deadline. If the request for new leases exceeds availability, then leases will be issued on a first come first served basis with remaining names placed on a wait list for next year’s renewal period.
Members are encouraged to review this information and contact WREA with any questions. Solar Block renewal leases are due to WREA by the date listed on the lease renewal. Email: or return via mail to PO Box 958, Meeker, CO or deliver to 233 6th Street.
Residential Meters (R1)
Tier Options | # of Blocks per Meter/Service Location |
Yearly Lease Fee | Production Credit Per Month/Year |
1 | 1 | $36 | $5 / $60 |
2 | 2 | $72 | $10 / $120 |
3 | 3 | $108 | $15 / $180 |
Commercial Meters: (SC1, SC3, L1)
Tier Options | # of Blocks per Meter/Service Location |
Yearly Lease Fee | Production Credit Per Month/Year |
1 | 5 | $180 | $25 / $300 |
2 | 10 | $360 | $50 / $600 |
3 | 20 | $720 | $100 / $1200 |